
Michael Hoffman has attracted huge amounts of attention over the past year or so; with a number of solo sex tapes going viral. And watching the bodybuilder eat his own cum and finger himself has had many people asking why he doesn’t just make porn and get it over with… Well, it seems he has, although perhaps not the kind his gay following wanted.

You may have thought that from his previously (kinda) kinky activities, that it’s gonna be some wild ten minutes you’re in store for. Sorry, it’s not. The footage is as flaccid as his dick. Which coincidentally is as limp as his personality. Just kidding, we’ve never met him, but he seems positively riveting in his crazy-ass YouTube rant.

I literally can’t remember the last time I was this bored watching people have sex. I’ve seen Amish porn that has more gears than this. And then he tries to do her from behind and has a little, erm, hiccup. It’s like, don’t worry dude it’s happened to all of us, but how unfortunate while you’re filming it. Maybe he’s that vain he can only get a boner when he’s doing himself. She should’ve just put on a strap-on and done him; it would’ve been more pleasurable for everyone, including her.