Though 2020 has been a testing year, it’s also been very educating for some.
Perhaps it’s had an impact on the latest study results from the Public Religion Research Institute, which claim that support for same-sex marriage is now at an all-time high at 70%.
Perhaps most surprisingly, support from Republicans is up to 50% (proving that at least half of them are human). Democrats support stemmed from 80% and 76% independents.
On top of that, 83% believe that LGBTQ people should be protected from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Which is reassuring to know, when Amy Coney Barrett will inevitably try to back-peddle our rights.
There were a number of religions who demonstrated acceptance, with white Protestants (79%), Hispanic Roman Catholics (78%) and religious non-Christians (70%), ranking highest.
However, none more than atheists, who backed marriage equality by 90%.
Well, with numbers like that, the Trump administration would be foolish to be put marriage equality up for debate. ‘Cause to the streets we’ll take!