Hit comedy The Golden Girls is the next show to get a revival, but this time it’s all aboard!

Ah yes, if you thought Atlantis made the gayest cruises in existence, then you haven’t been surrounded by four drag queens dressed elderly Southern belles.

The Golden Girls cruise ship will set off from Miami in February 2020, and the five-day cruise will depart from the ol’ dear’s home city on the 24th, head to Key West, Florida, and Cozumel, Mexico, then return to Miami on Feb. 29.

A cabin will cost fans $1000 and includes a multitude of activities, like karaoke parties, costume contest dinners, bingo, and a ‘One Night In St. Olaf’ disco. Don’t break a hip on that dance floor.

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Chad Kampe, one of the cruise creators, told Hornet about the “large and diverse” fandom of the show, and says he expects the cruise crowd to be eclectic: “I believe everyone can relate to the show’s message of love, acceptance and cheesecake. We expect guests to be from all over the world and all ages”.

Honestly, we’d have much more fun reliving the witty retorts of Sophia and slurring 80s hits down the karaoke mic.

Stay tuned or for more ticket info head here.

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