Love, Simon star Keiynan Lonsdale is just one of the young gender-benders in the spotlight right now. Sam Smith recently released his drag alter-ago, Nico Tortorella frequently wears dresses to public events, and footballer David Beckham just covered Love magazine with eye shadow.
So we think we can happily conclude that masculinity is on the move; out of its toxic shadows. Well, at least within certain aspects of the media.
Lonsdale has since grown a porn star moustache, (which is kind of equally masculine, as it is camp) while continuing to flaunt his effeminate side. The actor posted side-by-side snaps on set, one sporting a typically heterosexual style for black men, with his pants yanked low enough to show off his underwear band. Though granted, most of the kids sporting this look aren’t doing it in Armani.
Alongside a snap of him in a high-waisted skirt; which, to be honest, is still relatively masculine for a skirt. Lonsdale emulates a similarly androgynous style to Jaden Smith – who became known for his gender-fluid style of dressing.
It’s great to see people fucking with constructs – especially those as big and as enforced as gender.