Alfonso Baron was not shying away from nudity when it came to his role in The Blonde One (2021).

From Google: When Gabriel moves in with his colleague, Jaun, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, a romantic relationship blooms. And although that fairly simplistic synopsis probably doesn’t do much persuade you watch the film, it’s also been met surprisingly positive critiques (gay films with nudity, don’t usually have the strongest plots).

But it’s standing with a strong 73% on IMDb, and 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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And honestly, it’s always nice when you can enjoy a film and the nudity is just a plus. I’m not spending £9.99 on Amazon to watch a shit film just because some actor got his dick out… hello! (Even if it beautiful uncut cocks like Baron’s and his co-star Gaston Re).

We have watched a few clips, and as the synop would suggest, it’s quite slow with not a lot happening (see: The Weekend, Normal People).

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