“The girls are posting dick neck!” declared Drag Race contestant Denali, after seeing fellow allum Yvie Oddly’s semi-NSFW sharings on Twitter.

“Thank you to all the people who have noticed how sexy I’ve become! After all that’s the reason I went back to Drag Race”… and it shows. Now I love me some Miss Yvie, but I’m gonna need some more “it” to be brought.

However, Oddly is right in that he’s looking pretty fine, and the fans have noticed. In a bid to quench the thirst of said fans, Oddly slipped into some sheer lingerie, showing off the base of his dick.


This is obviously not the first time a Drag Race member has moved over to OnlyFans… namely, The Vixen, Ariel Versace and Aja – is Yvie next?

Watch an Ariel Versace exclusive sex tape here