In a short video produced by the Norweigan postal service, Posten, Father Christmas becomes Daddy Xmas as he is depicted in a gay long-distance relationship.
While the advert is promoting the brand’s Christmas service, it’s also a celebration of the decriminalization of homosexuality that happened in the country 50 years ago.
When Harry Met Santa starts with a shirtless Harry catching a glimpse of St. Nick before he disappears up the chimney. The following year, Santa lingers around just long enough to tell Harry he’s snoring, before promising that he’ll be “back next year”.
As Santa pays Harry a visit each year on Christmas Eve we see how their relationship begins to grow, and how Harry experiences raw loneliness in the day in-between.
Finally, Harry writes a letter to Santa, echoing the words of one of the world’s great philosophers, Mariah Carey:
“All I want for Christmas is you,” he writes.
The following year, as Harry eagerly awaits Santa coming down his chimney (ahem), he’s disappointed when his presents arrive at the front door, delivered by Posten. (They really do have an admirable service dropping off gifts at 11pm).
However, when he returns, Santa is standing there waiting for him. He recruited Posten to help deliver his gifts so he could spend the night with Harry.
Cue: Tears. Or at least a nostril flare.
So all the attention over the years that Santa has got for his beard and we should’ve been looking at Ms Claus.