We all have shit days at work, this one was not one of those days. Most people would love to sit there with vibrating cylinders on their cock instead of replying to tedious emails, and for a morning that’s what we did. 

As part of our new online mini-series – while we take a seasonal break from Cocktails & Confessions – the C&C team, or the Has-Been Scene Queens, were asked to partake in the JETT Challenge, which sees participants sit with the toy on their penis, and whoever gets hard first, loses! Pretty simple, tbh!

Some of you may remember that we have previously reviewed the JETT from Hot Octopuss (it’s definitely one of their stand-out products), but for those of you that have been sleeping on the brand; they make male vibrators (for the front, not the back) which are backed by medical science to give you the most intense orgasms possible!

Needless to say that when you put the toy on and start it, it’s pretty difficult not to get hard. See how DomTop and I fared below:


Do you think you could resist the urges? We’re offering our readers an exclusive 10% OFF with the code: COCKTALKJETT CHECK IT OUT HERE

The series name comes from a comment that we had regarding the podcast; somebody had posted a question on Instagram stories, asking for podcast recommendations, and then shared the results they got. One of them was Cocktails & Confessions, though the person recommending it wrote: the hosts are irritating soho scene types but the show is funny. I thought, fair enough, everyone’s got an opinion, and we’ll gonna market yours. 

Coming up on HBSQ: The sibling challenge (where DomTop and I guess who the statement is more appropriate to out of the two of us), and Say It or Shot It! Where apparently there are some topics which our team won’t discuss…