Sadly, a vast majority of the talent on X Factor don’t get the chance to pursue a career in the music industry afterward. But hey, there’s always porn.
Just ask Ellis Lacy.
And it seems he’s not the only one to make the leap. While – as Brits – we’ve not seen much of X-Factor: US, we obviously remember James Tanner. Perhaps more recognized for his rejection (by none other than Miss Britney Jean Spears), which was immortalized through memes.
James Tanner was only 15 when he appeared on the show, rapping in front of Britney and in the round before Judge’s Houses. Before, Brit informed the hopeful, “You’re going home, sweetie”.
But apparently home for Tanner was suckling on the teet of a horny MILF. Oh yes, this wasn’t just a softcore venture into the field, but rather he’s made a fair few explicit movies; most involving one or two mature women slurping over his schlong.
Under the pseudonym Matt Sloan… We’ll leave you to conduct your own searches, further than this brooding nude.
And just in case you weren’t sure-sure, here’s his unique half-sleeve in another snap. Although he’s had a hair cut since the Bang Bros days…
Despite this, it seems that James still aspires to have a career in music, as the link in his Instagram promoted some of his music.
See more stars in the buff.