Taylor Swift kept quiet about her political stance for long enough, but on Sunday, she posted to Instagram encouraging people to vote in the midterm elections. Since then, vote.org claims it’s had a giant surge in new voters registering:
“We are up to 65,000 registrations in a single 24-hour period since T. Swift’s post,” Kamari Guthrie, director of communications for Vote.org, told BuzzFeed News. That’s more than the amount of registrations from the entire month of August, which was 56,669, and more than a third of September.
Taylor’s post spilled: “In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country.”
Which for those you that aren’t quite reading between the lines translates: I didn’t vote for Trump, but I also didn’t encourage anyone else to vote for Trump because I was worried about losing part of my bag.
[RELATED: It’s Harder to Register to Vote than it is to Buy a Gun in America]
Swift continued, “I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent.”
Since the post, the vote.org website has in fact seen it’s highest number of visitors ever, second only to National Voter Registration Day. “Thank God for Taylor Swift”, said Gutherie.
Well yes, better late than never. But the big question is… if Taylor Swift – and indeed other influential celebrities – spoken up earlier, would America currently be under different rule?