Olympic skier suffers ‘frozen penis’ after Beijing race Sign up for the Olympics they said, it’ll be amazing they said. We can imagine that when sportsmen head off… CocktailsCocktalk February 23, 2022
Dad and Son go Viral Dancing to ‘Frozen’ in Elsa Dresses “This is what healthy masculinity looks like,” praised one viewer who watched Norweigan comedian Ørjan Burøe – and four-year-old son Dexter… CocktailsCocktalk January 28, 2019
Why This Hot Guy In A Dress Is A Bigger Turn-On Than You’d Think At first glance, you may be thinking; stubble? yes. Tattoos? yes. Princess drag? Erm, say what mother-fucker? Yes, Jesse F… CocktailsCocktalk March 24, 2015