While we do not support any kind of war, there is one silver lining of the huge cloud over Ukraine right now.
Magomed Tushayev, a warlord and close advisor to Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, was killed on Saturday in a battle at Antonov Airport, northwest of Kyiv. Tushayev was directly involved during the Chechen purges which saw dozens of LGBTQ+ citizens killed, tortured and humiliated, according to The Blade.
Aw, diddums. Not that he deserved to die in battle, (but rather tortured and humiliated in front of his counterparts.
His ‘work’ also includes a role in 2021 in the kidnapping of activist Ibragim Selimkhanov from a subway in Moscow and forcibly sent to Grozny, Chechnya’s capital. He was then detained and interrogated for trying to help queer people escape Chechnya and their barbaric purges.