Just a week after the BBC told their staff they would need to notify the channel before attending any kind of LGBTQ Pride event it’s revealed that one of their producers was dolling out drugs like candy.
We’re not sure if this is irony or damage control for future chemsex distasters.
It’s reported that Alexander Parkin – who worked on the BBC Radio 3 show Late Junction and won nine Sony Radio Awards – was to “go-to” guy for Crystal Meth.
Parkin appeared via video link at Kingston Crown Court from his jail cell to admit dealing meth after being arrested on September 29.
The court were told that Parkin is HIV-positive, has a central nervous system infection (which requires daily injections) and is losing his sight and hearing.

Parkin’s lawyer Jonathan Hardy plea that the likely “custodial sentence” should be suspended because of his conditions. A custodial sentence could mean time in jail, or it could also equate to time in a rehab facility.
It’s strange though, how Parkin’s dwindling sight and hearing, and withering nervous system never stopped him supplying class-As to the community, but they do prevent him from sitting on his a** in a cell or rehab facility.
Sounds like privilege, no?
Especially as Parkin has already been convicted of supplying ChemSex drugs; subsequently killing 18-year-old Miguel Jimenez.
The only thing it seems Parkin is blind to is the consequences of his deadly actions.