
We used to hate it when the summer holidays were ending, but the good thing about going back to school… the locker room!
Celebrate Back to School season with some naked high school hunks. From ’80s sex comedies like Porky’s to recent high profile shows like 13 Reasons Why, Hollywood has a seemingly never-ending fascination with high school. (Probably because its full of pedophiles).
It’s a crazy time in all of our lives – a time that, according to Hollywood, is filled with a crazy amount of nudity!
The 5th hottest naked high school hunk is Scott Caan in Varsity Blues. He doesn’t just touchdown – he strips down, revealing his amazing firm ass; well (t)ain’t that something…

The 4th hottest high school hunk is the openly gay Miles Heizer in 13 Reasons Why. This controversial series revealed a darker side of high school. It also revealed Miles’ truly perfect and smooth twink butt! 13 Reasons Why Not?

Our bronze medal for high school hotness goes to Wesley Snipes in Wildcats. He and his teammates give Goldie Hawn a lesson in anatomy when they lift up their helmets to reveal their cocks!

And our runner up hunk is Tony Ganios in Porky’s. He and the boys get caught with their pants down, giving us some awesome looks at their athletic bods and period-appropriate ’80s bushes!

Finally, the hottest naked high school hunk is Ryan Phillippe in Cruel Intentions. Who didn’t want to transfer to this bitchy New York prep school after seeing his positively spherical cheeks?