If you’re single and sex toys aren’t doing much to resolve your loneliness, no need to sweat because 2019 is the year of the sex robot with bionic penises: basically, a dildo that can hug you too.
RealDoll – who already make female sex robots – have realised that there’s a market for women and the gays too. While the voice and personality (we’d like one that sings like Sam Smith with the humour of Bianca Del Rio please, and thank you (next)), is still under manufacture. Though once it’s complete, buyers will able to select the perfect penis size for themselves…
Hmmm… if only it could do the cooking and cleaning too.
David Levy, author of Love and Sex With Robots, says, “I’m sure women will find robots equally appealing as men”.
And WHAT about the bottoms?! Actually, does the sexbot have an enterable asshole too?