It was a proposal that got the nation talking (and that still wasn’t enough to get us to tune in), but merely a month before Ed proposed to the former BBC journalist on live TV, he was cruising for a “discreet fuck” on Grindr. A viewer has come forward with screenshots of their chat. Nick from Peckham claims that Ed has been on the app ever since Andy went into the house.
Though the source blurred out certain words, we know what was said – like duh, you think we’ve never used Grindr before. Ed states that he’s versatile, but states “want fucking” before sending a pic of his butt. Ed also admits to getting high: “coke and weed”.
The only thing we can’t decipher is what was sent in the pic, where he’s asked what he’s up to. Though we’re fairly certain it’s a dick pic. OOPS.
Wonder if the marriage will still go ahead, or if we’ll have to see Andy plastered all over the tabloid headlines, crying about being “heartbroken” and all that Stephanie Davis bullshit.
If you missed the proposal on Big Bruvvvva, it’s here: