Usher’s been getting down with the kids, and posting his genitals on Snapchat. Are we gonna have to ground you, Usher? The R&B singer shared a snap of himself, post-shower, fully naked… Well, with just the majority of his dong covered. Covered by a… a… an ANDROID EMOJI. If that’s not a turn-off then we don’t know what it is. There’s the base of Usher’s dick staring us in the face but all we could think about was the horrid contraption he used to take it with. Sorry boo, we don’t care if your Samsung S7 is waterproof, those emojis are hell-sent.

And then a commenter on BuzzFeed mentioned, “leg day”… We don’t need to add our two cents. Unless their in the form of a squat rack. They’re not. OK, we’re gonna add our two cents anyway, girl if you’re dick if thicker than your thighs, suttin’ ain’t right. Just saying.

Still though, steaming.


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[H/T: Instinct]