What better reason for guys to get naked than raising money/awareness for charity? Lord know there’s been enough sportsmen getting naked to raise their profile awareness for a good cause. Well it seems that nude calendars are such a thing of the past y’all. After all, naked guys wrestling surely trumps a few glimps of butt crack… Cut to two years down the line and they’re making porn for charity. You can see it now can’t you, Deep Throating For Laryngitis Awareness. Double Fucked To Raise Money For Rectal Cancer.
Although was all that food really necessary? It’s really not about having jumps of jam stuck in your pubes.
OK, yes, we’re taking the piss a little bit – but as long as people are raising awareness for a good cause, we won’t knock how they do it. It’s always better than prostituting yourself for a number of Instagram like, *cough* Kim Kardashian *cough*.
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