Gay erotic thriller Birder follows Michael Emery as a determined bird watcher who invades a nude queer campground and begins a deadly game of cat and mouse with the slutty campers who are more than willing for Michael to “destroy them”.

According to the director Nate Dushku, the film explores the murky spaces that sometimes exist within a dom/sub relationship.

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“The film is a sardonic and disturbing look at what a monster sees when they look in the mirror; an exploration of the consent dynamics of dom/sub space and a metaphor for the traumas the queer community endures at the hands of social entities lacking empathy,” explains Nate.

Birder brings us to the edge of the abyss as our protagonist’s odyssey takes him through a joyful sex-positive community.”

It’s clear that when you’re naked out in the woods, it’s probably best to just do what Michael tells you to do.

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WATCH: Suck and breed in the woods