
Courtesy of Mr Man, your 2022 Pride Guide is your go-to resource this Pride Month for all the record breaking celebrity gay sex and male celebrity nudity on television!
We ranked HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Showtime based on the number of gay and nude scenes found on each platform. And the results might surprise you! Plus we took things a step further by busting out the individual shows with record breaking amounts of gay sex and nudity.
So if you are curious as to which platforms and TV shows have the most gay sex and celebrity penis, ass, and overall nudity, the 2022 Pride Guide is gonna be your thing!
Below you can find just a taste of the many, many, many men found on our Pride Guide! Jonathan Groff and Russell Tovey have sweaty and realistic gay sex on Looking, the high school boys of Elite major in anal, pioneering prison series Oz is all about getting that D in that A, and so, so much more. Talk about a reaming service!
View Mr Man’s Pride Guide here
Here’s a HUGE preview of what’s on offer.