Pride month is popping off with announcements!
Venezuelan singer and model Francisco León just came out of the closet. In a video posted to Instagram, the former Mr Venezuela said:
“I wanted to clarify some doubts that I have seen out there on social networks and tell you that I am gay,” he confessed. “I had always choked on that word out of fear; for fear of what they will say and for coming from a country that was not prepared to see a Mister Venezuela, a presenter of a morning show or a singer come out of the closet in the 2000s.”
He continued, “I dreamed of this moment, because it is a liberating moment, I feel reborn. Releasing this that made me stop being me in front of you. Now I can speak to them from my true story and that for me has a special value.”
His caption, which was written in Spanish roughly translates as: “It took me many years to tell you about my truth. Today I invite you to be tolerant, loving, respectful, but above all human. … I always wanted to speak from the heart. I love! And yes, I’m gay.”
But according to Explica, what really spurred Leon’s coming out decision was the news of a teenage suicide who took his life after homophobic bullying.
“My soul was completely reeling, his death crumbled me and made me think about how crucial it is to tell the world and people that no matter what your sexual preference is, your life matters a lot,” he said.
That’s beautiful! And we welcome Leon to the alphabet community!
NFL player Carl Nissab also came out this week in a short but genuine IG video.