We knew Christopher Meloni was thicc, but we didn’t realise he was this thicc. But clearly, Twitter always knows more than we do.
The actor went viral recently when he was caught carrying a bag full of groceries while filming Law & Order: SVU. Despite being the police officer, he looked like the one ready to drop his weapon.
Captured in Brooklyn, NY, the snaps were quickly uploaded to social media.
SVU is filming in park slope this week and someone in the neighborhood facebook group posted this photo of chris meloni
🥵 pic.twitter.com/A2fAENk05u
Meloni – whose nude scenes in prison drama Oz made him a household name – even took the opportunity to respond to fans asking him where it came from.
Sure- big birthday(60), big boy(200 lbs), big cake https://t.co/lmkZ5JKFWe
Damn, carrying an ass like that at 60 has to be back pain waiting to happen.
He also replied to a fans asking, “I wonder if it’s hairy?”
“It’s not Vicki, it’s not”, he informed.