Olympic gymnast Danell Leyva officially came out as “not straight” earlier this month over National Coming Out day (11th Oct).
“I always knew,” Danell told the Olympic Channel about when he knew he was part of the LGBTQ+ community. “It was always just very rejected, internally rejected because of the way that we’re all raised. And especially coming from a Hispanic family, it’s very much rejected.”
Well, we – as members of the community – would like to very much welcome him…
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In a twitter thread, Leyva said is coming to terms with his bisexuality/pansexuality (but is still “figuring out” his label, but knew that his attractions did not include those toward cis men).
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He continued:
“One of the main reasons why I’ve never come out publicly is because throughout my life, for whatever reason, other people’s perception of my own sexuality have always been imposed onto me and it has always made me reject it even more. It made me uncomfortable.
“Not because I was offended, because being gay is in no way offensive, but more so because it was and always has been/felt very intrusive. So this post, apart from being my way of sharing this with you all is also a reminder. A reminder to check the way we say certain things to people. Because sometimes our hearts and intentions may be in the right place, but we never truly know what they’re dealing with.”