A huge party took place on Fire Island over 4th July weekend and at least one of the guests had Coronavirus at the time.

A number of videos emerged on social media showing beaches packed with gays – all without masks… or shirts – causing Fire Island to trend on Twitter.

Newscaster Chris Weider even noticed that some of the guests from the Meth Gala were also in attendance!



One queen, Corey Hannon – now known as Corey Corona – plastered social media with how much he was suffering from COVID-19 before throwing his speedos on and heading to the party. On July 3rd, he boasted about his Fire Island checklist which included “booty shorts” and “body glitter”.

Only on 4th July: “Fuck You Miss Rona. I thought I was cured!”

It’s hard to say whether Corey was actually still suffering from COVID-19, a complete lack of attention, or just your regular 4-day weekend comedown.

When social media called out Corey for disobeying the guidelines regarding 2-week isolation (and for forgetting to add a mask to his checklist), he responded:

“You know what, I did have COVID. Everyone knows I had COVID, and you know what I did? I sat in my f**king bedroom and quarantined myself for eight f**king days. And suffered through COVID. And now I’m out celebrating. So go f**k yourselves. I hope all of you get f**king COVID, you nasty nasty trolls.”

Oh my. Doesn’t he just sound like husband material? Anyone would have thought this was a bad idea, but perhaps the bump hanging out his nose persuaded him otherwise.

See Corona Corey’s belated apology here

Another attendee, Giancarlo Albanese wrote: “F**k Your mask. F**k your social distancing. F**k your vaccine. F**k your eugenics. Kiss my a**hole if you think Im an ass??‍♂️?”


Naturally, Twitter had a LOT of opinions; mostly calls on the government or guests themselves to stay on the island for another 2 weeks before returning. (Although this would also be dangerous, and it would need to be more like 4 weeks, for them all to catch it and then recover).
