Wanna hear something funny about men? They hate it when you treat them the way the treat you. Tea spill, sis.

Proved when a ballsy Twitter user confidentially sent a photo of his dong to trans make-up artist Faye. But Faye got her own back in a way that many other women couldn’t. Tweeting to her followers, Faye writes:

“This random guy somehow got my number and sent me a dick pic and I guess he didn’t appreciate it when I sent a picture of mine back”. Ad he really didn’t. In the screenshots of the convo, the sex pest can be seen replying:

“what the hell?”

“why would you send me that”

“I’m blocking your number now”



The original tweet has since been liked over 205,000 times. So we’re not surprised at least one person asked who was more hung. Faye confirmed it was in fact her.
