India is throwing a party today, and if it turns into an orgy nobody will get locked up! The supreme court finally ruled that gay sex is no longer a criminal offense. Oooh, we bet there be some pheromones in the air tonight, boy! We wouldn’t be surprised if the synchronous ass-clapping gave the UK a hurricane.
The landmark decision is set to drastically alter the lives of 78 million LGBTQ+ Indians across the continent and is the biggest decriminalization verdict in history.
Ruling on section 377 of the penal code, the supreme court concluded that the law was an invasion of privacy and unconstitutional.
“Expression of intimacy is part of a right to privacy,” said the Chief Justices.
The four judges who decided on the ruling were unanimous in their decision and stated: “We have to vanquish prejudice, embrace inclusion, and ensure equal rights.” YES. AMEN. And that “Sexual orientation of an individual is natural and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a violation of Freedom of Expression”.
CJI Misra went on to say that LGBT+ people deserve the same rights as everybody else.
According to GSN:
The 1861 law criminalized ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature’. The law applied to anal and oral sex, with LGBTI advocates arguing it criminalizes homosexuality. People convicted under the law faced up to 10 years in jail.Â
Harish Iyer, one of India’s biggest and most influential activists told them:
“This verdict reaffirms our faith in not just legality but also humanity. This is a giant leap for humankind. We were born without discrimination, now legally we shall live without discrimination. We will spread our wings, we will perch on every hope, but we will not take this freedom for granted.
‘This is the beginning of a revolution of reforms, not the end. The fight for equality for every minority is a continuous one. We will be at it.”