While more men turn to online stripping to earn their dollar, it seems that the lads of Leeds are doing it with a duster in hand.

After Craigslist shut down it’s Personal Ads section, more ads offering nude cleaning services are popping up across the website, reports Leeds Live. Although none of the ads directly put sex on the table (obviously ’cause they’ve just polished it), they do state that they’ll be nude while sweeping your yard. Could you sweep out last night’s trade too, dolls?

Image result for male maid naked

But saying that, some guys do state that they’ll do ‘extras’… We’re guessing that means scrubbing the oven?

Another handy man posted this:

“All jobs considered, evenings and weekends in Leeds area only. Cleaning, painting, washing, moving furniture, small DIY jobs and general help with personal stuff. Or anything else you can think of…”

Umm, do you mow lawns?!

[H/t: Instinct, GPB]