Be sure to check out The Way We Met, Instagram account if you’re on a comedown and looking for a good cry. TWWM shares beautiful love stories of couples from across the world. Nick and Dominic are a gay couple from Brooklyn who’s tale is going viral; alongside an image of the two at a Pulse memorial, it reads:
‘Dominic and I met as teenagers, we went to different high schools but they were close in proximity, so we had a lot of mutual friends.
‘High school was also the time period in which we both came out to our families, although at separate times and unknowingly of each other’s personal journeys.
‘After graduating high school, life took me and Dominic in different directions. He went on to attend UCF in Orlando while I went to college in Kentucky.
‘We reconnected one summer when I was in Orlando helping a friend move into her dorm and asked Dominic to have dinner with me. That night we talked for four hours and shut down the restaurant. Shortly after, Dominic asked if we could make it official and so our long distance relationship began. But the distance wouldn’t be ending anytime soon.
‘After college, I moved to New York for work and Dominic moved to D.C. to go to law school at Georgetown University. Finally, after seven years of the back and forth, we are finally living together in Brooklyn… and engaged!
‘Dominic and I feel lucky to have found love at such a young age. However, falling in love with another black man was scary in ways neither of us could have ever imagined.
‘It forced us to face the very real resistance from society for being not only homosexuals but black men as well. We had to confront the stereotypes of being largely defined as uneducated, disloyal, untrustworthy, and unreliable individuals.
‘But together we chose to rise above those prejudices and rewrite our own story- one of inspiration.
‘We want others to see that our union is marked by achievement, love, friendship, respect, and unconditional support. We hope to encourage other black and brown men and boys everywhere to be true to who they are. And when they find love in each other’s eyes, to know that their love is just as strong and beautiful as anyone else’s.’
With hundreds of comments, it doesn’t take long to see how supportive and loving the readers are toward the pair. After getting engaged in London, Nick and Dom will marry in Miami on the 7th July! Cuuute! Speaking to GSN, Nick said:
‘Dominic and I feel lucky to have found love at such a young age. However, falling in love with another black man was scary in ways neither of us could have ever imagined. It forced us to face the very real resistance from society for being not only homosexuals but black men as well. We had to confront the stereotypes of being largely defined as uneducated, disloyal, untrustworthy, and unreliable individuals.
‘But together we chose to rise above those prejudices and rewrite our own story- one of inspiration.
‘We want others to see that our union is marked by achievement, love, friendship, respect, and unconditional support. We hope to encourage other black and brown men and boys everywhere to be true to who they are. And when they find love in each other’s eyes, to know that their love is just as strong and beautiful as anyone else’s.’
Although Dom’s family have been very accepting, Nick reflects on how his father took a bit longer to accept his sexuality.
‘Eventually my dad came around on his own time and we have since strengthened our relationship and are closer than we ever were before. I think that is because know he can see all of me and just how happy my life makes me.’
N’AWW!! Now there’s some feels for y’all. Before you go dick-hopping this weekend, make sure you look in his eyes first, JIC.