This weekend was NYC’s Pride celebrations, although it was a double-celebration for club promoter Brian Rafferty and his boyfriend Dan. Rafferty admitted he was “nervous” live streaming the incident to Facebook. (Could you imagine if Dan had got the ‘Brian is live’ notification, and it spoiled the surprise!)
In the video, below, Rafferty is seen getting down on one knee in before the crowd at what looks like a circuit party. We’ve been on our knees at one of those before, and even had a ring on our finger – but those were for totally different reasons. Thankfully, they weren’t interrupted by a fag ponce, “can I buy a cigarette off you even though I’ve got no money?”
Brian and Dan, who celebrated their one year anniversary of being together a few weeks ago, are responsible for gay parties such as Trade and Griffin Rooftop, and received a number of congratulatory responses. Check out the video below…