
It’s the new book that everyone’s talking about! And Grace Jones doesn’t hold back when she discusses the fame game and her competition; or followers as she sees them. The new autobiography; I’ll Never Write My Memoirs, is already causing a stir before it’s hit shelves. But after an exclusive look, we can tell you that being naked on stage isn’t the only thing Miss Jones isn’t afraid of.

In released segments from the book, Grace can be read saying that today’s artists don’t “challenge the status quo” – as much as they like to think they do. She continues:

“Trends come along and people say, ‘Follow that trend’. There’s a lot of that around at the moment: ‘Be like Sasha Fierce. Be like Miley Cyrus. Be like Rihanna. Be like Lady Gaga. Be like Rita Ora and Sia. Be like Madonna.’ I cannot be like them — except to the extent that they are already being like me.

“I have been so copied by those people who have made fortunes that people assume I am that rich,” she goes on… “But I did things for the excitement, the dare, the fact that it was new, not for the money, and too many times I was the first, not the beneficiary.”

She also goes in deep on the question the price fame; asking if one even knows who they are anymore, or if they are constantly acting as somebody else, and are they even aware of it if they are? Something that may strike a chord with young people admiring Hollywood starlets, and even encourage them to question aspiring fame whores they’re path in life.

She also addresses Kate Moss referring to her as a diva: “No Kate, I’m not a diva. I’m a Jones”.

This read is gonna be juicier than Nicki’s ass. You know, that thing that Grace just told to take a seat. Slave To The Rhythm? Girl, this queen ain’t a slave to nobody…

I’ll Never Write My Memoirs, comes out on September 24. Published: Simon and Schuster.