Over Pride weekend, countless brands showed their support for the LGBT community through giving their logo a rainbow makeover, unveiling pro-homo promos and tweeting about the outstanding US marriage legalisation. It really was a beautiful past few days, as I don’t think I’ve ever seen as much support worldwide for our community.

Naturally, there’s a few uneducated, dated, bigots drifting around – who feel the need to run their ignorant gums. And there’s nothing we love more than seeing those goats get ushered back into their pen. After all, delivering shade is what we gays have a master class in. Internet monopoly Yahoo! were among some the brands to don a rainbow, backing the #LoveIsLove and #LoveWins trends sweeping the planet.


Bobby Basic who noticed the new logo, tweeted the brand informing them that he was “deleting” his account.


To which Yahoo Customer Care served him a cold pie. EAT IT, BABE. ‘Cause you think Yahoo gives a fuck? Bitch, swerve.


Love Wins… But so does Yahoo!

[H/T: BuzzFeed]