
Just days after we reported the Tumblr page ‘Fly That Cock‘ where brave (and often strange) men posted their dick pics from aeroplane toilets, there’s a new viral where lads tuck their knobs between their legs and yep, you guess it, take a selfie. Welcome to the internet. We’re not really sure how we feel about this trend; we’re torn between LOL and WTF.

Like, obviously this is not a vanity trend like ‘Cock In A Sock’, right? It can’t be. It must be for jokes. And we see the goofy side, but it’s not really rib-tickling/arousing enough to spark a viral, is it? Apparently, so! But maybe it’s taken off because it demonstrates boys being boys. And we all love a lad with a sense of humour – even if his cock is temporarily a coochie.







Are you joining?! 

[H/T: Instinct/Gaily Grind]