Great Wall of Grindr: The Shutdown Life is precious. There is no point wasting a second of it. I’m assuming this is the theory behind such… CocktailsCocktalk August 3, 2014
Great Wall of Grindr: A Can Of Whoop Ass [NSFW] Sometimes the requests you get on Grindr are just so dirty… so vivid… That when a ratchet hoe sends you… CocktailsCocktalk July 14, 2014
Great Wall of Grindr: Face Look Familiar? You know when you go out clubbing and some rando’s all like “hey girl!” and up in your grill with… CocktailsCocktalk March 3, 2014
Great Wall of Grindr: The X Factor? I seriously LOL’d over this… Tut, tut, Mr. Walsh. Submitted by Dom from London Other posts you might like: >>… CocktailsCocktalk November 7, 2013
Great Wall of Grindr: So juicy… He instigated the conversation very subtly to begin with… Then when I got bored of replying, she wants to throw… CocktailsCocktalk October 30, 2013
Great Wall of Grindr: Winter Sale This was actually on Hornet, but you get my drift… I should have said £286 – the same as his… CocktailsCocktalk October 27, 2013
Great Wall of Grindr: Well, after all, Regina said it best girl… Other posts you might like: >> The Manifestation of a Mean Girl… CocktailsCocktalk October 5, 2013