“Pretty Privilege isn’t all Roses, Money and Cock, You Know?!” [Video] In a world where we call people out regularly for their privileges, YouTuber Michael Henry takes the moment to address… CocktailsCocktalk October 18, 2018
How Am I Supposed to Be Masculine if You Keep Referring to Me with Female Pronouns? What we love about Michael Henry’s videos is the way he takes a serious topic (or at least a topic… January 5, 2018
WATCH: Mini-Series ‘The Journey of Being Likable’ Satires Life as a Gay Outcast in West Hollywood YouTuber Michael Henry has branched out his sketch-form videos into a mini-series (5 eps, around 5 mins each), following his… CocktailsCocktalk December 15, 2017
VIRAL: When You’re Whore Friend Gets into a Relationship [Video] A RELATIONSHIP?? NOOOO. CocktailsCocktalk August 18, 2016