Stop Wasting Your Time With The ‘MPI Guy’ Although 2017 was undoubtedly a rather shit year for most of us, you can’t knock the bitch for teaching us… February 20, 2018
What Is Micro-Cheating? And Is Your Partner Guilty of it? As if being ‘left on read’ and ‘dick-dashing’ weren’t tormenting enough for modern daters in search of love, but there’s… February 8, 2018
These are the Most Off-Putting Emojis When Flirting Thanks to Apple and their introduction of emoji’s into our everyday (digital) language, flirting has never been easier. But are… February 7, 2018
Insta-hoeing and Slutty Selfies on the Rise Ahead of Valentine’s Day Do you, as a singleton, find the thought of Valentine’s daunting? Well, you’re not the only one. As the holiday… February 5, 2018
Dating: Why Miscommunication is Relationship Cancer Most of us will have heard the phrase, to “say what one means, and mean what one says.” Although when… CocktailsCocktalk November 27, 2017
Is Our New Found ‘Independence’ Fuelling the Modern Love Crisis? ‘Independent’ is often seen as a good quality, but could it be blocking the pathway to meeting a significant other?… CocktailsCocktalk November 14, 2017
Dating: Being Single is Worse than Being Fat — Study Claims Loneliness is more damaging to mental health than being obese. CocktailsCocktalk August 10, 2017
Dating: Let’s Talk About Sexuality as a Spectrum Anthony Gilét gets aroused at the gym... But not for his usual type. CocktailsCocktalk July 14, 2017
Dating: 7 Reasons Basic Bitches are in a Relationship Before You Just in case you were wondering... CocktailsCocktalk July 11, 2017
Dating: I went on a ‘Drug Date’ and Here’s What Happened Dates come in all shapes and sizes; the coffee date, lunch date, the hook-up (where you skip the actual date… CocktailsCocktalk June 16, 2017