There’s been a lot of attention of the effects of the covid vaccine recently, (mostly because Nicki Minaj got into a beef with the British government about their handling of it).
Minaj claimed that her cousin’s friend in Trinidad was dumped at the altar by his wife-to-be because “the vaccine” allegedly made his testicles swell. Yes, there is a LOT to digest here… and we’re not referring to the wife’s aversion to tea-bagging.
We’re not sure why big balls would turn someone off, especially enough to pull a runaway bride, but here we are… apparently.
Naturally, the topic has been immortalized in memes making light of it. If it did make your balls swell (we’re pretty certain it doesn’t), then this guy would be double-vaxxed.
And have had his booster.
WATCH: Buff boys with big balls (Compilation)
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