As if Lil Nas X and his song Montero hadn’t stirred the pot enough, the singer made sure his name was on everyone’s lips during his BET performance; especially his dancer’s.

The entire performance was Egyptian-themed (reportedly a nod to Michael Jackson’s Remember The Time…) and despite the uproar he caused amongst middle-aged MumsNet folk, Lil Nas X didn’t tone it down. Respek.

While on stage Nas writhed around with fit, shirtless guys before locking lips with one of them. It actually gave us Fire Island flashbacks.

Not only that, but Nas arrived to the awards looking like the whole damn fantasy in an Andrea Grossi gown. And then clapped back like a Bad B when one tweet claimed the rapper’s dress sense was “emasculating” himself and other men.

YAAAS! Cut off their… toxic masculinity!