Woah! Looks like things weren’t so great on our favourite TV show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer all those years.
Charisma Carpenter has released a lengthy and heartfelt statement about the abuse she suffered at the hands of showrunner Joss Whedon on the set of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel.
Carpenter writes that Joss’ history of being “casually cruel”, “triggered a chronic physical condition from which [she] still suffer(s)”.
Amongst the accusations, Carpenter claims Whedon called her “fat” while she was pregnant, pitting cast members against each other (we can’t help but feel this refers to her relationship with Sarah Michelle Gellar), attacking her character, frequently threatening to fire her and then doing so after she gave birth.
Carpenter adds that he called her into a meeting at 1am, while she was pregnant. “All that promise and joy [of pregnancy] sucked right out. And Joss was the vampire”.
Carpenter admits that she didn’t speak out at the time and previously said that she would work with Joss again but that after “years of therapy and a wake up call from the Time’s Up movement” has she chosen to speak up.
Sarah Michelle Gellar shared a supportive but rather blunt statement on Instagram too. Gellar said she doesn’t want to be “forever associated” with Joss adding she was “proud” of Carpenter – although not naming her specifically – for speaking out.
Michelle Trachtenberg and Amber Benson called him out too. With Benson disclosing that the entire environment on set was “toxic”.
Sadly… we knew it.