Melania Trump has been set on fire! Well, her statue has anyway…

In her hometown of Slovenia, on the US day of Independence, somebody set fire to the artwork created by Brad Downey. Downey told Reuters – a local news outlet – that he wanted to understand who targeted the statue and why.

He said he had hoped the statue would open a dialogue about the political situation in the US, including the fractious debate on immigration.

It should be noted that Donald Trump’s dismissal of immigrants in America overlooks the fact that his wife herself is also one. Considering that statues and monuments hailing historical figures with links to racism and slavery are being destroyed around the world, perhaps that’s why it was set alight.

The statue, which was carved out of a tree trunk on the outskirts of Sevnica, her hometown in central Slovenia, wasn’t exactly warmly welcomed when it was erected in July of last year (2019). Many of the residents said it looked more like Smurfette than the First Lady.
