JJ Field has become known as the hot one’ on Netflix’s sci-fi series Lost In Space, but long before he graced the streaming screen, Field was breaking into the business by shedding his clothes. Hey, it worked for Kevin Bacon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ewan McGreggor, Michael Fassbender, Jude Law, Bruce Willis and pretty much any other celebrity out there.

It’s all part of paying your penis dues to Hollywood.

Back in 2003, Field bared all for The Tulse Luper Suitcases, which according to good ol’ Wiki is “a multimedia project by Peter Greenaway, initially intended to comprise four films, three “source” and one feature, a 16-episode TV series, and 92 DVDs, as well as Web sites, CD-ROMs and books.”

Confused? Yeah us too. Literally what? Anyway there were three films, and one of them featured Field’s dick. See below.