Those thicc Greeks have returned for another year on our wall.
You may remember Greeks Come True, from when we reported on their steamy calendar last year. And they’re collaborating with Vangelis Kyris to bring the naked lives of the men next door to life:
“In this year’s calendar you get a voyeuristic look into the day of each hunk all the while Kyris brilliantly captures every hidden inch of their completely naked bodies leaving no hair, vein or drop of sweat unseen…”
[RELATED: The ‘Red Hot’ Charity Calendar will Finally Show Dick in 2018]
OOFT. We’re getting semi just with the dirty talk in the press release. And moreover, there’s actually not just twelve hot hunks to ogle, there’s fourteen. ‘Cause sometimes you just need an extra two.
Grab yourselves a copy (and a packet of Kleenex) here.
And check out a sneak preview of the snacks inside.