
If you thought Vauxhall couldn’t get any sleazier… You be wrong, boo. It turns out the filth isn’t just restricted to the surrounding clubs and after-parties, as a disturbed customer discovered that there was a spy cam hidden in one of the vents over the toilet. NARDY! Who wants to watch a trashy sister roll out of Orange and desecrate the bowl with their G-soaked bowels. LATER! (And we don’t mean the Sunday tea dance).


If you’ve used that toilet before, you’d know that there’s only one large toilet for everybody. Ricci Arcari (above), a local at the coffee shop tells the Guardian:

“I went in, used the toilet and as I was standing I was looking around. I looked up and thought that’s definitely a camera. I panicked a little bit, stopped doing what I was doing, closed the toilet lid and jumped up to have a look. I wanted to make sure it was what it was so I poked and prodded it a few times with my pinky and ran out and got the manager.”

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It’s not known how long the camera has been there, or HOW it got there… YOU must be winding me up! Know how many times I’ve used that toilet! Whoever’s got the footage of me shovelling half a gram of ket up my nose circa 2013, please delete it!

Which means it could’ve been implemented by a pervy customer that comes in and collects the footage, or potentially a member of staff – as this still hasn’t been ruled out yet. To be fair, it looks like it’s been there for donkey’s years, the amount of dust up in that vent – perhaps if Starbucks did their damn cleaning properly the matchbox-sized contraption would have been found sooner.

A spokesperson for Starbucks said:

“This is a distressing discovery for our partners (employees) and customers, and we take our responsibility to provide a safe environment very seriously. As soon as the store was made aware of this, we removed the device and contacted the police who are investigating the incident.”

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