
Yes, it’s another article about Beyoncé, her single Formation, the Super Bowl and black power. 

It’s very fair to say that I’m opinionated. But along with that, I’m also the first person to hold up my hands and admit when I am wrong. Right now, is one of those times. If I’m totally honest, my interpretation of Formation was totally off. I just knew Bey had dropped another surprise single over night and everyone was going mad for it. But why? I’ve already expressed my original thoughts on the tune; and I stand by them. Well some of them; and aurally, I don’t like it. As it does sound like the stuff on her last album, that I didn’t like either. 

But what must be applauded is why she’s doing this. Everyone with the internet or a Facebook account now knows the message of Black Empowerment behind the song. There’s been a lot on my social media accounts recently from black friends, supporting the opposition of racism in mainstream media. But many white people feel uncomfortable in this discussion, can’t see their point of view, or believe they are playing the race card. 

While it has to be said, that we’ve all (white, black and every other race), become too PC in recent years (let’s not start on the Michael Jackson debate), not enough white people are pausing to question why black people are so passionate about it. Well, it’s the same reason Beyoncé is passionate about it; to correct the wrongs that are still place against black lives. 

It’s common for us to have the mindset; if we can’t see it, it isn’t happening. And while we may not be witnessing direct racism in our daily lives, it does still occur, and especially in backwards parts of America. Beyoncé is standing up for people that don’t have a voice yet; and that’s nothing short of admiral. Just because we live in a society where gay people can (mostly) walk down the street without prejudice, doesn’t mean that everyone else is as lucky. And the same can be said for black people. Just because we are OK, doesn’t mean we should stop fighting for those who aren’t. 

But not only that, Beyoncé is telling stories that she believes need to be told. Just because they happened in the past, doesn’t mean they are irrelevant now. I happily celebrate Pride every year, because I’m proud of who I am. And while we commemorate those black figures who changed the world in Black History month, that doesn’t mean the fight is over; especially not if she feels like there are things left unsaid. 

Though I believe it’s fair to say that many white people feel uneasy with collective terms like “all [you] white people”. As they believe it voices the view that all white people are racist. Or that all white people believe they are superior to black people. One thing that has been said a number of times that rings true, is that nobody can tell you when you are offended. And that is true for everybody, of all races. 

I’m fully supportive of Beyoncé’s message – black empowerment – because I believe in equality and supporting your beliefs. Clearly there are still attitudes in the world that need to be changed, but many of them don’t belong to racists at all; just white people who aren’t truly listening to what is being said, because they don’t see what others see, and certainly don’t know how black people feel. 

Black Empowerment isn’t revenge for what white people put them through, it’s an equality campaign for the parts of our society that still aren’t quite fixed yet, sticking two fingers up to the people that do see black people as an inferior race, and celebrating overcoming their hardships (including that near fall).