River Viiperi is the epitome of borderline-underage twinky model, that is totally worth getting arrested over. Frequently posing for the likes of Coitus, and dating the like of Paris Hilton, the model is all grown up! Oh, and talking of growing here are the alleged (read: totally not alleged, but has to be said for legal shit) snaps of his boner. All greased like a British fry up. Although probably better tasting.
If you’re not familiar with Viiperi and his impeccable jawline, we’ve included some of his modelling (shirtless) pics below, but if you came here for the D, you’ll find it after the jump…
Gotta say, does make me absolute LOL when men take photos of their knob proper close up, like it’s posing for an intimate portrait series. Though tbf, that’s an exhibition I’d go see. If it was free entry and open bar, obviously.
[H/T: Instinct]