
The 8^8 project is something that’s been running since May this year (2015), that proposes the possibility of find someone matched exactly to your personality by a simple 8 question test. As I’d never heard of it before, it was really a no-brainer as to whether to share the project: after all, the more people that know about and take the test, the greater the chance of you meeting your match. And the thought that there’s somebody else in the world that could match your personality so perfectly that you’d become the best of friends or totally in love is exciting. The site states:

“We typically get acquainted with less than 1,000 people before we die.” And that we chose our friends and partners from the limited pool of our vicinity. Which is true. So what happens when you don’t wanna settle for someone that you met in your local supermarket or that boy with the cute smile but no conversation at your gym?

“Sorry, all out of soul mates in Stone Henge…”

What is a soulmate? The one person who understands you better than anyone else possibly could, because he/she is another version of you. The one person who naturally functions on the same wavelength as you.

“So how does it work? It’s simple: 8^8 is a multiple-choice test with 8 questions and 8 possible answers each. Take the 8^8 test and the likelihood of someone else answering in the exact same pattern as yourself is 1 in 16,777,216 (the result of 8^8 or 8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8). If you were to meet and get to know a thousand new people every day – which of course isn’t practically feasible – it would still take you more than 45 years to go through 16,777,216 people.”The thought that there’s somebody else in the world that could match your personality so perfectly that you’d become the best of friends or totally in love is exciting. 8^8 Project

Are you intrigued to find out if there’s another you in the world? I know I am.

Take the test HERE
