Well, that was a rather sudden change of heart. One minute he’s telling Cosmopolitan Magazine that it’s “tiny” and the next minute, he’s tweeting to a fan that it’s “massive”. I mean, c’mon Jake there are thousands of gay men that need the mental image in their head, just do Playgirl so we can know for sure, as I’m certain that half the country now won’t sleep until they do.
The thirsty fan tweeted a photo to Jake, saying “I seen your cock in the toilet so had to get a photo”. You saying it like that bruv and you get people’s hopes up, making sound like you took a snap of his dong. I mean, if you were standing next to Jake Quickenden at the urinal, it would feel unnatural not to have little glance – out of the inquisition for human anatomy of course. But as if you’d actually tweet it.
Obviously the singer was met with replies to “prove it”. Well Jake, how much you want the fame?